Configure DoS Policy on FortiGate

This is a diagram to do a Fortinet Dos Lab.

Fortinet – Policy and Objects – IPv4 DoS Policy.

Change TCP_port_scan setting to 5 and ICMP_flood setting to 4.

Configure quarantine setting on the Fortinet DoS Policy.

config firewall DoS-policy

    edit 1

        set interface “port1”

        set srcaddr “all”

        set dstaddr “all”

        set service “ALL”

        config anomaly

            edit “icmp_flood”

                set status enable

                set log enable

                set quarantine attacker

                set quarantine-expiry 5m 

                set quarantine-log disable

                set threshold 4


        config anomaly

            edit “tcp_port_scan”

                set status enable

                set log enable

                set quarantine attacker

                set quarantine-expiry 5m 

                set quarantine-log disable

                set threshold 5


Sending 5 packets per second, Fortinet starts to block the excessive ICMP packets.

Check Fortinet Anomaly log.

Fortinet Fortiview.

Fortinet Monitor – Banned IP. AT IP Address was blocked by Fortinet Firewall.

Doing port scan on Kali machine by using Nmap command.

Fortinet was blocked port scan on the opened port 80.

Install Cisco CME on LinuxMint

Below is a topology that is used for this lab.

On LinuxMint

+ Install Dynamips, Dynagen

sudo apt install dynagen dynamips bridge-utils uml-utilities

+ Backup network interface config file
sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces ~

Edit network config file to create a bridged network interface (br0) for physical interface (enp0s3).
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo enp0s3 br0
iface lo inet loopback

iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports enp0s3

Restart networking service. It failed. We need to restart Linuxmint to make it work after restarting the service.
sudo service networking restart

Check IP address configuration and ping

+ Create a new dynagen for 2 CME Routers.
cd /home/tung
mkdir CME
cd CME

Drag cme.tar and c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.151-4.M.bin file to CME directory.

+ Create a dynagen CME config file.

sudo nano dynagen_cme.conf

f0/0 = nio_tap:tap1
x = 22.0
y = -351.0

autostart = False
workingdir = /home/tung/CME
udp = 10100
image = c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.151-4.M.bin
disk0 = 512
#idlepc = 0x6060b654
[[ROUTER r1]]
model = 7200
console = 2221
aux = 2119
#wic0/0 = WIC-1T
#wic0/1 = WIC-1T
#wic0/2 = WIC-1T

[[ROUTER r2]]
model = 7200
console = 2222
aux = 2119
#wic0/0 = WIC-1T
#wic0/1 = WIC-1T
#wic0/2 = WIC-1T

f0/0 = nio_tap:tap2
x = 22.0
y = -351.0

+ Run dynamips program and start both CME Routers
sudo dynamips -H 2000&

start /all

Check port 2000, 2221, 2222 are running on LinuxMint.

Open a new tab to console R1.
telnet localhost 2221

Open a new tab to console R2.
telnet localhost 2222

+ Install TFTP service on LinuxMint
Open new terminal
sudo apt install tftpd

sudo nano /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

service tftp
protocol =udp
socket_type =dgram
wait =yes
user =nobody
server =/usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args =/tftpboot
disable =no

sudo mkdir /tftpboot to contain CME image file
sudo cp cme.tar /tftpboot to copy the CME image to /tftpboot folder
Change permission on tftp folder
sudo chmod 777 -R /tftpboot/
Restart xinetd service
sudo systemctl restart xinetd
Check TFTP service is running
netstat -anup | grep 69

+ Configure CME Router
On R1:
conf t
hostname R1
int fa0/0
ip address
no shut

On R2:
conf t
hostname R2
int fa0/0
ip address
no shut

+ Now we need to configure LinuxMint network interface to communicate with both CME Routers
Open new tab
sudo brctl addif br0 tap1 tap2
sudo ifconfig tap1 up
sudo ifconfig tap2 up

Enter ip a command to see all interfaces are up. Test to ping from LinuxMint to R1 and R2.

+ Back to R1 and R2 to load CME image. This process will take time around 1 hour to finish flashing the Router CME image.

On R1:
R1#archive tar /xtract tftp:// disk0:

On R2:
R2#archive tar /xtract tftp:// disk0:

+ Enable telephone service on CME Routers.

On R1:
!!! enable CME GUI on CME Router
ip http server
ip http path disk0:/gui
ip http authentication local
!!! create user and password to manage CME
web admin system name admin password cisco

sets max amount of phones

max-ephones 5
ip source-address port 2000
!sets max amount of numbers
max-dn 25
system message TUNGLE VOIP
create cnf-files

On R2:
!!! enable CME GUI on CME Router
ip http server
ip http path disk0:/gui
ip http authentication local
!!! create user and password to manage CME
web admin system name admin password cisco

sets max amount of phones

max-ephones 5
ip source-address port 2000
!sets max amount of numbers
max-dn 25
system message TUNGLE VOIP
create cnf-files

Back to LinuxMinit, open Firefox to access both CMEs via web interface.

+ Open Windows VM1 and VM2, then install the Cisco IP communicator on VM1 and VM2.
+ Next, configure Cisco IP Communicator on VM1 point to CME on R1 and VM2 point to CME on R2. Wait for a few minutes, we can see IP phone has successfully registered on CME R1 and R2.

Using Firefox on LinuxMint to configure IP phones. Adding phone and extension number 7822 for R1, and 7922 for R2.

Assign ephone with button 2 for R1 and R2, then restart two Cisco IP phones via command restart on CME R1 and R2
ephone 1
button 2:1

Now configure dial-peer between two CMEs to allow both Cisco IP communicators to communicate together.

R1(config)#dial-peer voice 2 voip
R1(config-dial-peer)#destination-pattern 79..
R1(config-dial-peer)#session target ipv4:

R2(config)#dial-peer voice 1 voip
R2(config-dial-peer)#destination-pattern 78..
R2(config-dial-peer)#session target ipv4:

Back to Windows VM and test to call from DN 7822 to DN 7922. It works.

Create a Ceph cluster on Proxmox cluster

Ceph is an open-source distributed software solution. It is designed to serve block, file, and object workloads for a cluster system. There are a lot of advantages when using Ceph. Ceph supports distributed object storage on multiple cluster nodes, provides redundancy between cluster nodes and is able to scale out cluster storage nodes with Ceph.

Ceph is able to run on commodity hardware without vendor lock-in. Moreover, Ceph is also a unified storage infrastructure that supports storage clusters that may grow or shrink and allows to add and remove hardware while the Ceph cluster is online.

This lab below is used to deploy three Proxmox nodes on the Ceph clsuter.

Add a new second hard drive on Proxmox1, Proxmox2, and Proxmox3 nodes.

Install Ceph cluster on node 1.

Create an OSD on Proxmox node 1, node 2 and node 3.

Create Ceph Pool on Ceph storage.

Create a new Linux VM on Ceph.

Add this machine to the HA Ceph.

Hard turn off the Proxmox node1.

Linux VM has been migrated to Proxmox node2 with a couple of minutes of downtime.

Doing live migration the VM2 on Proxmox node 2 to node 3.

It is interesting to see there is no downtime when doing live migration VM2 on Proxmox node 2 to node 3 in the Ceph cluster.

Force installing Windows updates via PowerShell PSWindowUpdates

F_PSWindowsUpdates.PS1 is shared on \\DC1\Shared

# This is PowerShell script to force on installing Windows Updates via PSWindowsUpdate on Windows machines
# It is created on 2021-10-21
# Allow PowerShell to be run on Windows machines with PSWindowsUpdate module
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# Installs everything (newest version) along with required modules.
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
# Import Module PSWindowsUpdate before running the script
Import-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate
# Force Windows updates are completely downloaded, installed and then restarted. Will check if we have a WSUS server
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot
# Send an email after running PSWindowsUpdate command
# Will send email if the last previous command is successful.
if ($? -eq $True){
        # Use this command for TLS requirement
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        # Get machine name
        $machinename = get-content env:computername
        # Get current date and time
        $currentdate = get-date
        # Get current date and time
        $currentdate = get-date
        # SMTP server of</p>
        $SMTP = ""
        # Mail from<
        $From = ""
        # Rcpt to
        $To = ""# Subject line
        $Subject = "Windows updates on $cname"
        # Email body
        $Body = "Finising running Windows updates on $machinename on $currentdate"
        #Create a connection to SMTP Outlook via the port 587</p>
        $Email = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTP, 587)
        # Enable SSL for the connection
        Email.EnableSsl = $true
        #Log in to xyz mail server with your credential
        $Email.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "yourpassword");
        # Send email syntax
        $Email.Send($From, $To, $Subject, $Body)

Assign this script on Task Scheduler.

Install a Proxmox cluster

Below is a lab to create a Proxmox cluster.

Node1: pve01.linuxlab.local –

Node2: proxmox02.linuxlab.local –

Node3: proxmox03.linuxlab.local –

Step #1 Check hostname, date and /etc/hosts pve01.linuxlab.local pve01 pve02.linuxlab.local pve02 pve03.linuxlab.local pve03
ping pve01
ping pve02
ping pve03

Creating Cluster via Proxmox GUI interface.

Click on Datacenter | Cluster | Create Cluster

Click on Copy information.

Install a LinuxMint VM on Proxmox node 3.

Install Proxmox on Virtualbox (Nested VT-x)

Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open-source server virtualization management solution based on QEMU/KVM and LXC. It is an affordable virtualization solution for small businesses

Create a new Linux VM on Virtualbox to install Proxmox. Click the link below to download Proxmox VE 7.1 ISO Installer, then mount the iso to the VM to install Proxmox.

To enable “Nested VT-x/AMD-V” function on Proxmox, open a terminal console and type the command below.

VBoxManage -nologo list vms
vboxmanage modifyvm "Virtual machine name of Proxmox" –nested-hw-virt on
vboxmanage modifyvm "proxmox1" --nested-hw-virt on
vboxmanage modifyvm "proxmox2" --nested-hw-virt on
vboxmanage modifyvm "proxmox3" --nested-hw-virt on

After installing Proxmox, open any web browser (such as Firefox on LinuxMint), access Proxmox web management interface (https://IPaddressofProxmox:8006).

Upload source installation such as LinuxMint, Windows OS iso files to install Linux and MS Windows VMs.

Create and install a Linux machine on Proxmox server.

LinuxMint VM can ping

Typing keyword in VirtualBox VM is very slow and lag on MacOS Monterey

Below is a workaround solution to fix VirtualBox issue is running in MacOS Monterey.

Open Terminal.

sudo nano /Applications/ 

Changed the following parameter from true to false: <key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key>     <false/>

Saved the file, reopen VirtualBox. We can see typing keyword in Virtualbox VM is faster than before.

Use Ansible to automatically insert CME configuration on CME Routers

+ Step #1

  • Install Ubuntu version to work with SSHv2 and ansible 2.9.
  • Test SSH connection on both CME Routers
  • Check the configuration on R2/R3.
  • R3 does not have any CIPC registered directory number.

+ Step #2:

  • Create ansible.cfg, hosts file and ansible yaml file to insert configuration on R3

tung@tung-VirtualBox:~/Documents/Ansible$ cat tung.yml


- name: Manage Cisco Router CME devices

  hosts: r1

  gather_facts: false

  connection: local



      username: admin

      password: cisco


    - name: Configure Ephone-dn on R2


        provider: "{{ cli }}"

        authorize: yes

        parents: ephone-dn  1


          - number 1111

          - name tungle1-1111

          - hold-alert 30 originator

    - name: Configure Ephone-dn on R2


        provider: "{{ cli }}"

        authorize: yes

        parents: ephone-dn  2


          - number 1112

          - name tungle1-1112

          - hold-alert 30 originator

    - name: Configure Ephone number on R2


        provider: "{{ cli }}"

        authorize: yes

        parents: ephone  1


          - mac-address 0800.AAAA.28C0

          - username "tungle1-1111" password Pa$$w0rd

          - type CIPC

          - button  1:1

    - name: Configure Ephone number on R2


        provider: "{{ cli }}"

        authorize: yes

        parents: ephone  2


          - mac-address 0800.BBBB.1234

          - username "tungle1-1112" password Pa$$w0rd

          - type CIPC

          - button  1:2

      register: print_output -  debug: var=print_output

tung@tung-VirtualBox:~/Documents/Ansible$ cat ansible.cfg


inventory = ./hosts

host_key_checking = false


timeout = 5
  • Run ansible-playbook

tung@tung-VirtualBox:~/Documents/Ansible$ ansible-playbook tung.yml

  • Check on CME Router
  • CIPCs have been registered successfully via Ansible

Configure HA on Cisco CME

This is a topology for this lab.

On Cisco CME R1 and R2:

+ On R1:

Configure secondary Cisco CME on the IP address and register CIPC phone on Cisco CME R1 with DN is 1111

 “ip source-address port 2000 secondary “

+ On R2:

Configure secondary Cisco CME on the IP address

 “ip source-address port 2000 secondary “


 max-ephones 2

 max-dn 25

 ip source-address port 2000 secondary

 system message TUNGLEVoIP

 max-conferences 4 gain -6

 web admin system name admin password Pa$$w0rd



 transfer-system full-consult

 create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00

+ Next, configure CIPC softphone on Windows VM.

TFTP server 1:

TFTP server 2:

+ Shutdown R1 (

The phone has been switched to successfully register on CME R2.

Install TP-Link AC600 Archer T2U Plus WiFi USB Adapter In LinuxMint

It is capable to provide 433 Mbps speed on 5GHz with a dual USB adapter by using this adapter.

Install TP-Link AC600 Archer T2U Nano on LinuxMint.

sudo apt install dkms git build-essential libelf-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# Cloning into 'rtl8812au'
git clone
cd rtl8812au/
sudo make dkms_install

Unplug the TP-Link Archer T2U Plus adapter and plug it in again. The LED will start to blink. Verify the driver has been installed successfully.

sudo dkms status

Then setup your new wireless USB adapter device.