Install Ansible on Linux

The lab below simulates how to check a Linux server with Ansible.

Install Ansible on Linuxmint.

sudo apt install ansible

Set a password root for Linuxmint.

sudo passwd root

Install a new Debian Linux Server to test.

Install sshd service on Linuxmint.

sudo apt install ssh

Modify /etc/hosts.

Create a hosts file under /etc/ansible directory.

Create a new group_vars directory under /etc/ansible.

sudo mkdir group_vars
cd /etc/ansible/group_vars

Create a new tunglamp file.

Try to run a command and it fails.

ansible -m ping all -vvv

We need to setup Public key authentication on LinuxMint.

ssh-keygen -b 4096

Copy the key to the Debian server that you want to access.

ssh-copy-id root@

Run the command below to make sure you can access to Debian server without a password.

ssh root@

Check Debian server via Ansible.

ansible -m ping tunglamp
ansible -m shell -a 'free -m' tunglamp
ansible -m shell -s 'ifconfig -a | grep inet' tunglamp