Changing DNS record from uppercase to lowercase on Windows DNS servers

DNS on the Windows server is not case-sensitive. Also, changing uppercase to lowercase DNS records on Windows DNS is not easy because it is integrated with Active Directory. However, sometimes you may need to change a couple of records from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa to support the vSphere system (Linux is case sensitive).

In this example, I created a DNS hostname record named LinuxVM. Now, I want to change the record to linuxvm. If I delete the DNS record (LinuxVM) and recreate the DNS record (linuxvm), the previous DNS record is still appearing in the DNS record.

Below are a couple of steps that I have used to change the DNS record from uppercase to lowercase.

Step1: Delete the LinuxVM record

Step 2: Delete DNS entry on Active Directory

Open the adsi tool.

Right-click ADSI Edit – Connect to. Enter “DC=DomainDNSZones,DC=cisalab,DC=local” on the connection point”.

Go to ADSI Edit – Default naming context [DC1.cisalab.local]- “DC=DomainDNSZones,DC=cisalab,DC=local” – “CN=MicrosoftDNS” – “DC=cisalab.local”

Right-click the DC=LinuxVM entry and select “Delete”

Go to Active Directory Site and Service, and replicate configuration to the selected DC to make sure the “deleted DNS entry” is replicated to all domain controllers in the Active Directory.

Step 3: Recreate the record with a lowercase DNS entry

Checking the record is created on ADSI tool.

Then, restart the DNS service and replicate the configuration to another DCs if needed.