Install OpenProject on CentOS 7

Create a CentOS 7 VPS.

Update your system & disable SELinux

Start the installation by updating system packages to the latest release.

#sudo yum -y update

Next, disable SELinux in CentOS

edit /etc/selinux/config file and run a command setenforce 0 to disable SELinux in CentOS.

Reboot Linux VPS server.

Add the OpenProject Repository

Next is to add OpenProject Repository by executing the below commands in your terminal.

# sudo yum -y install wget # sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject.repo

Install OpenProject on CentOS 7

Run the commands below to install OpenProject on CentOS 7 # sudo yum -y install openproject

Run the command below to configure OpenProject

#sudo openproject configure Select “Install a new PostgreSQL server and database locally”

Select “Install Apache2 server”

Choose Sendmail application as the default send email service on CentOS.

Enter admin email to be used for access and notifications.

Choose to install Memcache server.

The installation was failed because the issue below

Run the command below to generate a self-signed certificate for OpenProject. # sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/certs/ -out /etc/ssl/certs/

# mkdir /etc/ssl/private/

# cp /etc/ssl/certs/ /etc/ssl/private/

Run the command below to complete the installation

#sudo openproject reconfigure

Allow port 80 and 443 on the CentOS firewall.

After finishing OpenProject installation, log into OpenProject with default user/password is admin/admin.

Install certbot on OpenProject.

Restart Apache web service.

# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/openproject.conf

Log into the OpenProject and see the interface will be redirected to HTTPS.